AFT208C - Double Sided Acrylic Foam Tape (Clear)

Apollo Tape CIC Tape double tape heavy duty

Brand: Apollo, CIC

Backing: Acrylic Foam

Backing Colour: Clear

Adhesive: Acrylic

Release Liner: HDPE Film

Release Colour: Red

Size:10mm, 15mm 20mm x 8m

Adhesion to Steel:8.63 N/cm (79 oz/in)

Total Thickness:1.00mm ± 0.10mm

Working Temperature:0°C to 120°C (32°F to 248°F)


  • Excellent adhesive strength for secure bonding performance

  • Highly foam elasticity to level-out thermal

  • expansion of bonded parts Excellent shear strength

  • Excellent temperature resistance


  • Automotive

  • Hardware

  • Manufacturing


  • For indoor and outdoor application usage.

  • Suitable for heavy duty mounting such as die cutting and converting applications.